Monthly Member Tournaments

Kensington Tennis Club offers Gold and Platinum members monthly matchplay.

Matchplay tournaments allow Gold and Platinum tier members to improve their game. When playing against other members, feedback generated from each match is then used by each member's coach when tutoring them during their private lessons.

Contact us for more information or to enrol for the next match.

Format Details For Matches

Matchplay duration: 1h

Sets: First to 4 games - best of 3 sets

Winners: Either wins 2 sets or whoever has won the most games in an hour.

Match point system: Winners gain a point, losers gain no points

If a player has won just 1 set and a second set has not been completed, then the player who has won the Set will be awarded the win.

Feedback: The coaches in charge of the matches will inform the head coaches about the scores, as well as any specific strokes or aspects of the game that the players feel they need to work on. This feedback will then be shared with the player's coach, to help them focus on these aspects during their subsequent lessons.

Cost per player: £20 per match, charged via the app to members' profiles.